Working Together on Minor Use Issues

Minor Use Foundation Logo

The Minor Use Foundation was initiated to deliver the priorities established by the Global Minor Use Summits via the Priority setting process. To learn more about the Foundation visit

Global Minor Use Summit 4 logo

On Feb. 5 – 9, 2024, the Minor Use Foundation, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Services (USDA FAS), brought together regulators, growers, academics, and crop protection professionals in Madrid, Spain for the fourth Global Minor Use Summit. Global agricultural experts and growers shared information about common threats to the cultivation of minor use crops. Learn more at


Previous Minor Use Summits

Participants from over 60 countries throughout the world have come together on two significant occasions (2007 and 2012) to discuss issues regarding minor uses and the issues surrounding them. For information regarding the two summits click here:

The First Global Minor Use Workshop. Seeking Pest Management Solutions for Growers Around the World, September, 2015 in Chicago, IL, USA. Program and presentations, click here.

About Us
Minor uses encompass crop protection needs that are essential for production. . -read more-

Please see presentations from the 252nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition Symposia on “Who Should Regulate Pesticides in Our Food?”. click here.


Third Global Minor Use Summit (GMUS-3)

October 1-4, 2017
Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

GOING FORWARD PLAN – Results from the Summit.

Workshop Results--Top Priorities

Final Programme --English

Final Programme -- en Français

Final Programme --en Espanol

Programme Booklet -- English only (with links to presentations)

Please note the links within the Programme Booklet will not open in some browsers. Therefore the presentation links are here:

The IESTI Equations and Minor Crops

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Papers of Interst Discussed at GMUS-3

Global Minor Use Workshop 2 Presentations

Global Needs Database