Working Together on Minor Use Issues

Providing Safe and Effective Pest Management Solutions for Specialty Crop Growers

The Minor Use Pesticides Program was launched in June 2002 as a joint initiative between AAFC and Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), with a Government of Canada funding commitment of $54.5 million over six years. Under the program, AAFC is conducting field trials and laboratory analysis to obtain the required data for the registration of new minor uses of pesticides.

The Pest Management Centre delivers programs that help to provide safer food for Canadians while encouraging environmental stewardship among Canada's producers.

Providing information, research, technology, policies and programs for security of the food system, health of the environment and innovation for growth.

PIP is a European cooperation programme managed by COLEACP. It is financed by the European Development Fund and implemented at the request of the ACP (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific) Group of States. A second phase of PIP was launched in October 2009 for a period of five years. In accordance with the Millennium Development Goals, the global objective is to: “Maintain and, if possible, increase the contribution made by export horticulture to the reduction of poverty in ACP countries”. The horticultural trade is an important driver for economic growth in many countries, and PIP helps ACP exports reach their full potential by enabling producers and exporters to meet the demands of the EU market. While export horticulture is the main focus, outputs are adapted to local and regional markets wherever possible to also benefit ACP consumers

The UK Minor Uses Network ( MUN ) was set up to help advise PSD on issues affecting the minor use sector. It first met on 29 April 2003, and involved a wide range of representatives covering the cropping types across the UK. Membership was been extended to cover additional areas where pesticide use is important, both in crop and non crop areas. The main objective of the group is to provide a source of knowledge and expertise relating to crop protection and pesticide use on minor crops in the UK, which can be used to inform developing issues. The group actually covers a wider range of crops than one might consider as ‘minor' but this also ensures that niche pest problems on major crops are adequately covered.

The HDC is a levy funded body that serves the commercial horticultural industry in England, Scotland and Wales. The money it collects is used to fund high quality, essential applied research, development and technology transfer. All projects are approved by expert panels that represent each sector of the industry, encompassing over 300 different crops.

The Brazilian Law for Minor Uses is based on the grouping of crops for the purpose of extrapolating data from “major” crops to “minor” crops These groups are often defined according to the form of consumption (edible peel or peeled) and broad botanical characteristics (consumed as tubers, leaves, fruit, nuts, etc.). There are two main cultures representing these groups, those not considered "Minor" because there are a large  number of active ingredients registered for use and “minor Uses.  Fore which the data from the crops with existing data will be used to provide MRLs and registrations on these minor uses. Some data extrapolation is also allowed among the crops considered "Minor" were data can be generated on representative crops to cover other crops of the sub-groups. The crops selected for data generation are those of greater economic interest, and were chosen to be the culture in which the residue studies are conducted.
The Brazilian government is currently investing in the implementation of a structure that may generate data through the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), and it is expected to be completed in the future.  There are also data incentives for registrants to generate data on minor uses. For more info click here.
The two main government agencies working on minor uses are:
1. Ministry of Agriculture, General Coordinator of Pesticides
2. ANVISA, Specialist in Regulation and Sanitary Monitoring


The approval of safe and effective agricultural chemical products within all Australian agricultural sectors is a national issue, particularly for those minor users of agricultural chemicals whose use is not sufficiently economically attractive for a manufacturer to seek registration.

Five sectors represent the majority of minor use permit applications lodged, namely vegetables; fruit and tree nuts; non-crop situations; broad-acre crops; and forestry. Horticultural crops represent the vast majority of minor use permit applications at more than half of all applications. No central or single national minor use programme is established within Australia, although there is coordination of data generation and the making of regulatory submissions amongst a number of industries, most notably horticulture and grains via their respective research and development (R&D) arms.  However, before a chemical product can enter the Australian market, it must first be registered with the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA).  All these areas work together to solve minor uses issues.  For more information click here.