About Us
Minor uses encompass crop protection needs that are essential for production. Since minor uses relate to low acreage crops or are minor uses on large acreage
crops, the crop protection industry is reluctant to conduct the research that
is required to register products for minor uses. The low acreage of minor crops
results in an insufficient return on investment of the expenditures that are
required to attain regulatory approval.
Additionally there are resources required to maintain minor crop registrations
and liability issues from possible crop damage that the crop protection
industry is often unwilling to assume. On a global basis, this presents
problems for producers because of a lack of authorized options to control pests
and diseases. This also affects producers seeking market access as well as
exporters and traders of those commodities. Trade barriers often occur due to a
lack of, or differences in, acceptable Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) on
The Global Minor Uses Summits have been provided in order to assist in
addressing these issues.